SEWASP does a great deal with a relatively modest budget. Donations to SEWASP make this program possible, are a great investment, and are used responsibly. We do not have any highly paid executives. We are a community non-profit organization staffed by volunteers. Therefore, with the exception of a small fundraising/marketing budget, all donations go towards the costs related to getting participants out on the hill for adaptive ski and snowboard lessons. Additionally, the more generous you are with your donations, the more lessons we can fund, volunteers we can train, and time our volunteers have to be out teaching lessons.
You can help share the thrill of alpine skiing and snowboarding with people with disabilities through your tax-deductible donations and volunteering.
Donating Online
Program Sponsorship Opportunities
Any Amount – General program costs
$50 – Tools for ski and snowboard equipment maintenance
$100 – Hardware for ski/trailer maintenance
$200 – PSIA Adaptive Technical Manuals for 5 volunteers
$300 – Pre-season volunteer training costs
$400 – Headsets for guiding blind/low vision skiers
$1000 – End of season appreciation banquet for participants, families, and volunteers
$1000 – Additional bi-ski seat sizes
$1200 – Sensory friendly video to orient participants to the typical ski/snowboard lesson (including captioning and audio description)
$3000 – Volunteer training (national trainer for 2 days)
$8000 – New adult or child’s bi-ski
TBD – New equipment trailer
Donating by Mail
Please make checks payable to “SEWASP” or “SouthEastern Wisconsin Adaptive Ski Program”
PO Box 452
Germantown, WI 53022-0452
Donating time through volunteering is another great way to contribute to and support SEWASP.
Not-for-Profit Status
SEWASP is a not-for-profit 501c(3) non-stock corporation licensed in Wisconsin as a charitable organization. Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. We rely on contributions to support all functions of our adaptive ski and snowboard school. Our mission is carried out with an all-volunteer board of directors and volunteer ski/snowboard instructors.